Tuesday, June 3, 2014

A Note From the Blog Captain!

Hello readers!

If you can believe it, the Eighth Inning Stretch crew has only three games left in our series. We're currently in San Antonio, Texas, getting ready for our morning drive to Houston. It was a long day yesterday, as we covered the large expanse that is west Texas. Our night got a little longer when a fire on the interstate closed down the road for at least an hour (I fell asleep so time is very hazy to me). When we finally arrived at our hotel at 3 AM, we were ready for bed. We see the Astros tonight, the Rangers tomorrow, and the Kansas City Royals on Thursday. We really can't believe our trip is almost done; there seems like there is so much baseball we haven't seen and so many stories we haven't written yet!

Our constant movement will make blogging the next couple of days a little difficult. Bear with us as we do our best to write in vans and post when we arrive at our hotels with free wifi. Our goal is that by the end of the trip, all blog posts will be published and someone can go through it all and see how our journey progressed.

Thanks again for being such great readers and enjoy the last days of our west coast adventure!

Your blog captain,


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